Terms of Service

Acceptance of Clauses

  1. By using the Service, User acknowledges and agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. If User does not agree to these terms and conditions, User should refrain from using the Service.

Use of Services

You are granted the right to use the our services to upload and store files, subject to the following conditions.

  1. You may not upload, share, or distribute content that is illegal, infringes intellectual property rights, or violates applicable laws or regulations.
  2. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of access credentials (such as user name and password) provided by the provider.
  3. You may not use the Service to distribute or transmit malicious software, viruses, or harmful code.
  4. All use of this site is at your own risk, and the administrator assumes no responsibility for any disadvantages incurred.
  5. The Terms of Use may be modified without notice to users. Changes will be applied upon revision.
  6. Everything on this site is subject to discontinuation or suspension without notice.
  7. If you are unable to understand the Terms of Service due to some trouble or other reason, do not use the service.

Uploaded files

  1. The uploading user is responsible for all uploaded files and the administrator assumes no responsibility.
  2. The user who uploaded the file is responsible for resolving any issues with third parties regarding the uploaded file.
  3. If there is any problem with an uploaded file, the administrator may, but is not obligated to, take action.

About Administrators/Authority

  1. The administrator may take action and control (e.g., delete) everything on the Site, regardless of the user, third party, or request. There is no obligation to do so.
Terms of Service | © Shadowfile